Thursday, 19 May 2011

Im Famous...! Pt 2

Was in the Readers Rides section of Banzai this month! I only sent it in about a year ago, so totally out of date now but hey!

Sorry for the awful picture quality!

Friday, 13 May 2011

I Have Been Tango'ed!

Fancied a change of colour on the wheels as they have been gold for over two years! Really struggled with what colour to go for, but I decided to make my car stand out more than it did anyway and got them refurbed in Florescent Orange! Cant stand out much more than this now!

Cant lose me in a car park now!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Sticker Me Up

Got a new sticker from eBay, just a bit of fun!

Also I was given a Second Class Place sticker at the Rockingham TSS sprint so I decided to put it on my numberplate